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Studies show that the average American spends two and a half days each year looking for misplaced items! Forgetting something can be frustrating and time-consuming. On September 2022, Noti-Find was founded by an innovative team of aspiring entrepreneurs from Golden West High School located in Visalia, CA. Each product is meant to be attachable and trackable for the purpose of alerting users if their item has been left behind and/or out of a determined radius. There are three different versions of this product, all ranging in three colors; black, purple, and white. Noti-Key is a keychain that can be attached to items such as backpacks, handbags, and key rings. Noti-Card comes in the form of a slim card, quickly slipped into card holders for easy tracking of wallets, passports, and other essential documents. The Noti-Stick is a sticker that can be placed on smaller items or items that aren’t able to have an attachment, such as electronics, headphones, remotes, and water bottles. All of our items are connected to the Noti-App application, which then alerts users whenever their item is out of the provided 70ft radius. Noti-App also has the option of a membership which includes an extended radius of 140 ft, as well as an accurate live location of the item. We strive to help ease the life of Noti-Find customers. Always remember, can't find, Noti-Find! 


Noti-Find's mission is to remind, to find, one notification at a time. 


With our 3 products, we offer a chance at lowering your chances of running late. Here at Noti-Find, we understand that life can bring unexpected situations. We want to help lessen the stresses of forgetting your valuables.

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